Video Production
with Marketing Insight

Sergiy Sirko

It is important to me that the video is not only aesthetically pleasing but also delivers results for my clients
Years of Experience
0 +
Completed Videos
Hours of Filming and Editing

Creative Ideas

Your vision is my mission

Countless ideas and ample experience in creating various types of video content

Event videos and interviews
Business videos
Animation and motion graphics
Promotional videos
YouTube videos
Social media content
Educational content

Project Stages

I always strive to understand my client’s goals with the video. I am interested in where the video will be showcased, whether there is a budget for promotion, and other relevant details. My team and I thoroughly research all available information to better understand the client’s needs, niche, and their product or service.

During the preparation phase, I visualize the video in the smallest details. This helps to understand the equipment needed for shooting, the hours required on the set, post-production hours, and additional expenses such as studio rental, music licenses, voiceover recording, and more.

After budget approval, the script is created, references are selected, and the timing of the shooting process is determined. References are a valuable tool to showcase specific elements of the video.

The filming stage is serious and crucial, but it is also enjoyable. If non-professional actors, such as company employees or the owner, are featured in the video, the most important thing is for them to be themselves and not play to the camera. Authenticity is key. Additionally, it’s better to speak naturally and from the heart rather than memorize scripted lines, as retakes are always possible.

After shooting, we move on to the process of editing the filmed material into the final video. Graphics, titles, music selection, and color correction are typically part of this phase. Color correction and sound mixing are essential, and additional sound effects may be added to enhance specific moments or convey the video’s atmosphere.

Inquiry and Consultation

I receive inquiries and engage in discussions to understand the task, needs, and video requirements. Understanding where and how the video will be used, as well as the client’s goals, is crucial for me.

Proposal and Contract

I prepare a detailed project proposal. Once approved, a bilateral contract is established with all collaboration conditions.

Script writing

A script and filming timing are developed, considering both creative and organizational aspects.


The video is shot according to the approved script and selected references.

Editing (or Post-Production)

In the post-production phase, the filmed material is edited, adding voiceovers, music, sound effects, titles, motion graphics, and color correction.

Approval of the Final Video

The finished video is sent to the client for approval. If necessary, revisions are made.


Payment for services is made after the approval of the video.

Етапи роботи над проєктом
1. Запит та консультація

Отримую запит та спілкуюся з вами, щоб зрозуміти ідею, потреби й вимоги до продукту.

2. Пропозиція та договір

Готую детальну пропозицію по проєкту. Після затвердження укладається двосторонній договір з усіма умовами співпраці.

3. Зйомка

Виконується зйомка відеоматеріалу відповідно до затвердженого сценарію та підібраним референсам.

4. Монтаж

Процес монтажу містить: обробку кадрів, додавання дикторської озвучки, музики та ефектів.

5. Затвердження готового ролику

По завершенню монтажу готовий матеріал надсилається на затвердження. За необхідністю, вносяться правки.

6. Внесення оплати

Після затвердження готового ролику, вноситься оплата, згідно з умовами договору.

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